

2024-08-30 Weekly Update

Week 8 of my sabbatical - some web scraping and prompt engineeringRead More →

2024-08-23 Weekly Update

Some in-person events plus more proofs, LeetCode, and DuckDBRead More →

2024-08-16 Weekly Update

Week 6 of my sabbatical - math proofs, LeetCode, DuckDB, and networkingRead More →

Migrating Posts From My GitHub Blog

Porting some old posts over from 2014-2017Read More →

Fumbling Into Floats

Down a rabbit hole of floating point numbersRead More →

The Data Chief Podcast Episode

Some thoughts on appearing on a professionally produced podcastRead More →

Practicing Jazz with the Linux Command Line

Using linux command line tools for jazz ear trainingRead More →

Notes on Chapter 1 and 2 of What are Embeddings

Notes on Chapter 1 and 2 of Vicki Boykis's "What Are Embeddings" paperRead More →

Finite Dimensiona Vector Spaces Ch. 1 Problem 2(c)

Working through problem 2(c) from chapter 1 of Halmos's "Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces"Read More →

The Best Math Advice I Ever Got

On turning hieroglyphics into picturesRead More →

Hello, Manjaro!

First steps with ArchRead More →

Hello, LaTeX!

Playing around with LaTeX formuals for funRead More →

Journal Club: Talking About Large Language Models

Notes on Murray Shanahan's "Talking About Larger Language Models"Read More →

I Love Computers

Working on computers for fun ... and not for profitRead More →

One Day Of Advent Of Code

Working on Advent of Code and learning to take only what you need from somethingRead More →

The Coconut Programing Language

A functional programming language that compiles to PythonRead More →

Where The Water Goes by David Owen

Life and death along the Colorado RiverRead More →

The Crystal Programming Language

A quick peek at at the Crystal programming languageRead More →

SQLite and DuckDB

Diving into a recent paper on running OLAP workloads on my favorite databaseRead More →

Hello, Darkness

My old Friend ...Read More →

Hello, World!

First Post!Read More →

An Intro to Regex

A presentation on using Regex for analystsRead More →

What The F*ck Is The Internet Vol. 1 - Bits, Encoding, Packets, and Protocols

A short presentation about how data is encoded over networksRead More →

Special Methods in Python

Exploring Python's build-in methodsRead More →

Setting Up Pelican with GitHub Pages

Obligatory metapost on setting up a blogRead More →

Exploring Python's 'in' operator

Digging into how the in operator worksRead More →

Writing a FITS File Bigger Than Your Memory

Getting in the weeds with the FITS file formatRead More →

Working with NumPy Arrays and SQL

Binary encoding in SQL for NumPy objectsRead More →

Fitting 2D Gaussians with agpy

Fitting 2 dimensionaly Gaussians with a small open source packageRead More →

Faster File Existence Testing with Sets

Using set membership to skip disk readsRead More →

2014 Summer Internship Opportunity

Call for submissions for my internship opportunity at STScIRead More →

Guilty As Charged

Just a little git humorRead More →

A Basic Automation Setup for Astronomy - Part 2

Part 2 of a automation pipeline for astronomy tasksRead More →

That Time I Made a Metaclass

I made a metaclass in Python (but should I have?)Read More →

The Joy of "Screen"

Using the screen command line untility to manage remote sessionsRead More →

A Basic Automation Setup for Astronomy - Part 1

A barebones automation setup for astronomy pipelinesRead More →

The Data are Inconclusive

Error bars change the interpretation of my stellar PSF projectRead More →

The First Thousand PSFs

Plotting one thousand stellar PSFsRead More →

Counting to 10 Million Stars

Working with large datasets of stellar PSFsRead More →

The Moving Target Pipeline

My reaseach grant proposal for a Hubble Space Telescope moving target pipelineRead More →

The Trouble with Tech Blogs

Starting a Pelican-based GitHub blogRead More →

This work by Alex C. Viana is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4