Exploring Python's 'in' operator

I spent 12 hours on a plane this week traveling between the East Coast and San Fransisco for the RSA conference. I've appreciated the way flying forces me to disconnect and spend a little bit more time on side projects such as this blog. On this particular flight picked up an idea I've been wanting to play with for a while, overloading Python's special object methods.

Magic Methods

These are the object methods that begin with a double underscore such as __init__ and are also known as "magic", "double-underscore", or "dunder" methods. These methods define a lot of the inherent behavior of Python objects, including the Python built-ins such as lists and dictionaries. These methods also define how objects interact with operators such as + (the __add__ method) and <= (the __leq__ operator).

Because so much of how Python works is wrapped up in these method I figured messing with them would be a good way to gain a deeper understanding of the language. So I started making little toy classes that implemented these methods in weird ways and everything was going as I expected until I got to the __contains__ method. The __contains__ method is the method used to check membership using the in operator. For example:

In [1]: 'foo' in ['foo', 'bar']
Out[1]: True
In [2]: ['foo', 'bar'].__contains__('foo')
Out[2]: True
In [3]: 1 in ['foo', 'bar']
Out[3]: False
In [4]: ['foo', 'bar'].__contains__(1)
Out[4]: False

In each case the __contains__ method of Python's built-in list object is being called to evaluate the in operator. As it turns out this is an over simplification. I realized this when I took my first pass at building my own __contains__ method and I did something a little weird:

class MyObject(object):
    def __contains__(self, y):
        return '__contains__'

This is a non-sense method, returning a string instead of a Boolean is unexpected behavior and doesn't make sense in the context of evaluating an object membership. But I just figured it would always evaluate to False. A little more exploration showed that there was something special about the in operator.

In [1]: mo = MyObject()
In [2]: mo.__contains__(1)
Out[2]: '__contains__'
In [3]: mo.__contains__(1) == True
Out[3]: False
In [4]: 1 in mo
Out[4]: True

I was expecting 1 in mo to evaluate to something like mo.__contains__(1) == True which evaluates to __contains__ == True which should be False. Instead I'm got True, so there was something I didn't understand going on.

A little but of searching on StackOverflow led me to this hint (opens in a new tab):

First, in always casts the result of __contains__ to a bool

So this answers my question but doesn't really teach me much more about Python. This is the beauty about being on a plane. Normally, if I ran into something like this at work I would just take this answer at face value and moved on. But instead being stuck on a plane I had the time and incentive to go a little further down rabbit hole and read the cpython source.

Reading the Source

I've only looked at the cpython source code (opens in a new tab) a few times before this. I've never written a line of C in my life but I've been programming long enough that I can kind of squint and make out the flow of most things.

It didn't take me too long to get oriented enough to find an example of how the __contains__ object is implemented (opens in a new tab) in an function called list_contains in the listobject.c file. This function iterates over the object contents calling the c function (opens in a new tab) on each one.

The comment on the PyObject_RichCompareBool function reads:

> /* Perform a rich comparison with integer result.  This wraps
   PyObject_RichCompare(), returning -1 for error, 0 for false, 1 for true. */

OK so our casting as of everything as a boolean must happen in here. Digging in a little more this function drops down into the PyObject_IsTrue function (opens in a new tab). And here we finally have our answer. PyObject_IsTrue checks if the input is True, False, None and then a handful of sequence types. If none of these are true the function returns 1, which cascades up to __contains__ and is then interpreted as True.

This work by Alex C. Viana is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4