Migrating Posts From My GitHub Blog


Over the years, I've had four different technical blogs. A Tumblr (opens in a new tab), a static blog on Github Pages (opens in a new tab), a substack (opens in a new tab), and now this blog. For a long time now I wanted to collect all my writing in one place. I've finally started that project by porting all my posts from my long dormant Github Pages blog over here. I still need to clean up some links and images but the content is ready to go. You can find all the posts under the #github-blog tag.

These posts started around 2013 when I was still working for the Hubble Space Telescope and showcase some of my astronomy pipelines and analysis projects I was working on. They end in 2017 when I had a leadership position at a startup and was an organizer for the local Python Meetup group.

Looking back on these posts now, more than anything I'm thankful that I took the time to document where I've been along the way in my professional journey. It's so easy to forget where you've been and how hard you've worked. Looking back on my work gives me a sense of both pride and perspective. It also give me motivation to write even more and raise the bar on my output!

This work by Alex C. Viana is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4